Hartlepool MP Mike Hill signs up for Heugh Battery walk

Hartlepool MP Mike Hill at the Heugh Battery MuseumHartlepool MP Mike Hill at the Heugh Battery Museum
Hartlepool MP Mike Hill at the Heugh Battery Museum
Hartlepool MP Mike Hill will put his best foot forward to help the Heugh Battery Museum raise vital funds.

Mr Hill has signed up to do next month’s Tommy 2 Tommy sponsored walk between Seaham and the Heugh gun battery site on the Headland.

He hopes to get as many MPs as possible to sponsor him and help put the museum well and truly on the map.

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Left to right: Ian Cawley, Stephen Picton and Councillor Dave Hunter at the Heugh Battery Museum.Left to right: Ian Cawley, Stephen Picton and Councillor Dave Hunter at the Heugh Battery Museum.
Left to right: Ian Cawley, Stephen Picton and Councillor Dave Hunter at the Heugh Battery Museum.

Mr Hill said: “The Heugh Battery Museum is a unique place, not only because it is a living museum practically built from scratch by volunteers but because it is literally also the only preserved World War One battlefield on British soil.

“It truly is a hidden gem and a credit to (manager) Diane Stephens and everyone who built it up and maintains it to this day.”

He added: “The Heugh Battery for me is a key attraction for Hartlepool and one which adds to the tourism offer we have in the town, which is why I’ve signed up for the Tommy 2 Tommy walk from Seaham to the Headland in May, and hope to get as many MPs as possible to sponsor me and at the same time put the museum on the national map, where it belongs.

“I expect to have very sore feet, but it will be well worth it.”

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The walk is being organised by Councillor Dave Hunter, Burbank Community Centre manager Ian Cawley and taxi driver Stephen Picton.

Around 70 people, including whole families, have signed up for the walk on Sunday, May 19, followed by a less strenuous Onesie Waddle around the Headland.

It part of efforts to raise at least £5,000 soon so the museum, which tells the story of the Bombardment of Hartlepool, and much more, from the place where it happened.

The Mail is supporting the efforts with our Battery Charge campaign.

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Last week, Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen visited the museum in Moor Terrace and offered his support.

Mr Hill said: “He was very impressed and hopefully the place now features in the combined authority’s plans to integrate the museum in the bid for City of Culture status.”

He added the fact Mr Houchen was not aware of the size and significance of the museum shows that more should be done to advertise it including with more brown heritage signs off the A19 and on routes into town.

Donations to the Heugh Battery Museum can be made online at www.justgiving.com or by cheque made payable to The Heugh Gun Battery Trust Ltd.