Plans for 36 new homes in Hartlepool have attracted 20 objections over crime, traffic, and ‘not being in keeping’ with the area

20 objections have been submitted to Hartlepool Borough Council over the new homes plan in Greatham.20 objections have been submitted to Hartlepool Borough Council over the new homes plan in Greatham.
20 objections have been submitted to Hartlepool Borough Council over the new homes plan in Greatham. | User (UGC)
Residents have submitted 20 objections to plans to build 36 new affordable homes in a village on the outskirts of Hartlepool.

Proposals were submitted earlier this year by Gus Robinson Developments Ltd to build the development featuring 36 affordable housing units on a vacant field off Station Road in Greatham.

A new internal access road would also be formed off Station Road to serve the proposed development.

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However 20 objections have been submitted to the council to the plans, raising concerns such as over-development, an increase in traffic, insufficient amenities in the village, crime concerns and plans ‘not being in keeping’ with the village.

Plans have been submitted for new homes in GreathamPlans have been submitted for new homes in Greatham
Plans have been submitted for new homes in Greatham | User (UGC)

The plans are to go before Hartlepool Borough Council Planning Committee on Wednesday and have been recommended for approval by planning officers.

A planning statement submitted by planning agent George F. White on behalf of the applicant states the housing development would have numerous benefits to the area and help meet demands.

It said: “The scheme will deliver 36 affordable houses in a highly sustainable location, with excellent links to a range of services and facilities and the principle of developing the site for residential uses has formally been established by the council.

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“The need for affordable housing is well documented, being identified as a key issue in the Hartlepool Borough Local Plan.”

The plans state there would be seven two bed bungalows, 20 three bed houses, and nine four bed houses, and there would be 89 car parking spaces created across the development.

However several residents had their say with written to concerns to the council as to why the plans should not be implemented.

Kirsty Moir, who lives in the village, said: ” I am deeply concerned that the planned development will spoil the nature of the village.

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“The field in question has been an open space for the thirty years I’ve lived in the village and is part of the character of the village.”

Leanne Reay said: “The village and its roads are not cut out to support another 36 houses with however many cars, the entrance to this site is on the worst bit of road that is in the village, it’s an accident waiting to happen as it is.”

However council planning officers have stated the application ‘is considered to be acceptable’ and in line with planning conditions, recommending councillors give the plans the go-ahead.

This is dependent on the developer paying just over £50,000 in developer contributions covering areas such as sport provision, play facilities and green infrastructure.

A decision will be made at Hartlepool Borough Council Planning Committee meeting on Wednesday, September 25, at 10am.