Labour MPs out of touch

Looking at the stance taken by Teesside's Labour MPs in the leadership contest, it struck me how diametrically opposed their standards are compared with the ones I, and members of the armed forces, hold dear.

Loyalty and esprit de corps.

Jeremy Corbyn was undeniably democratically elected by the membership.

On that basis the PLP should fall into line rather than undermining him at every opportunity.

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They have, for their own self interests, ignored the very ethical standards expected of our armed forces.

I expect that is in large partly why we regard our service personnel in such high regard and our politicians in low esteem.

Analysis of what they have done since they were elected last year indicates they have been undermining their leader rather than working for us.

All of us, not just those that voted Labour.

They have demonstrated how out of touch they are when they worked against the obvious wishes of the people who voted to leave the EU.

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They are all wrapped up in their little Westminster world, grasping for a chance of power rather than working to make the lives of those on Teesside better.

Rather than fighting for the soul of the Labour party, perhaps doing something for the people they represent would be more applicable.

A monument to the failure of voting Labour for decades, all you need to do is witness the dead and decaying body of the steel works.

Chris Gallacher, TD VR,


UKIP Redcar,

Normanby Road,
