Here we look back at some of the pictures capturing the life and buildings of the estate over the years.
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Scenes from Hartleool's Central Estate as covered by the Mail over the years. Photo: Mail
2. Sad day
Following the death of the Queen in September 2022, Emily Birbeck aged five from the Central Estate laid flowers in Victory Square. Picture by FRANK REID Photo: Frank Reid
3. View from the air
A view from the sky of the Central Estate including Viscount Close, the Bakers Mead estate, Sure Start centre and white roof of the Phoenix Centre. Photo: Mail
4. Hartlepool Mayor Stuart Drummond pictured with Central Estate management chairman Ted Lee and Dave Turton(right) of Cleveland Fire Brigade.
Hartlepool Mayor Stuart Drummond pictured with Central Estate management chairman Ted Lee and Dave Turton(right) of Cleveland Fire Brigade. Photo: Mail