Careers fair returning to Hartlepool shopping centre

Middleton Grange shopping centre boss Mark Rycraft.Middleton Grange shopping centre boss Mark Rycraft.
Middleton Grange shopping centre boss Mark Rycraft.
Jobseekers currently looking for work are being advised to get themselves along to a careers fair in Hartlepool next month.

Organised by Hartlepool Borough Council’s Education Team and Middleton Grange Shopping Centre, the event is set to take place on Saturday, October 7, from 11am to 2pm on the ground floor of the shopping centre and follows the success of a similar event last year.

Parents and carers are also being encouraged to go along with their children if they wish to do so.

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The careers fair is open to the town’s Year 11 students – all of whom will be receiving a direct invitation via their school - as well as to people of any age who are not in education, employment or training at the moment.

There is no need for anyone attending to book in advance, with those interested able to just drop in on the day and speak to those present.

A host of employers, colleges and training providers are already lined up to take part including EDF Energy, Army Careers, Springboard, Hartlepool College of Further Education, Hartlepool Sixth Form College, English Martyrs Sixth Form College, Middlesbrough College and New College Durham, and more are signing up each day.

There will also be a chance for people to enter a free prize draw to win £100-worth of shopping vouchers.

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Councillor Alan Clark, who is chairman of Hartlepool Borough Council’s Children’s Services Committee, said: “The council is absolutely committed to doing everything it can to help our young people get the best possible start in life and also to help people of all ages to build their skills and get a foot on the jobs ladder.

“This event is ideal if you are leaving school next year or if you are not currently in education, employment or training, but it’s also very useful if you are a parent or carer and want to find out more about the opportunities available for your children.”

Mark Rycraft, who is Middleton Grange Shopping Centre Manager, added: “Last year’s careers fair was a huge success because it brought training providers and employers out from traditional locations into the shopping centre.

“As a result, the event became more accessible and convenient for students looking for training and education or for anyone looking for a career, including in retail.

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“Gaining work experience, life skills and qualifications are important for young people so we are extremely proud to be able to provide this opportunity to bring people together.”

For more information about the event visit or call Anthony Lowe at the council on (01429) 284883.