Banned Hartlepool driver jailed for taking people carrier and crashing it

The case was heard at Teesside Crown Court.The case was heard at Teesside Crown Court.
The case was heard at Teesside Crown Court.
A young banned driver who took a people carrier and crashed it in Hartlepool has been locked up.

Callum Barclay, 21, took a VW Sharan without consent on September 9 last year and drove it dangerously on roads including Davison Drive and Cleveland Road.

He was jailed for nine months and 28 days when he appeared for sentence at Teesside Crown Court on Friday, September 11.

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Barclay pleaded guilty to charges of aggravated vehicle taking, dangerous driving, driving whilst disqualified, and possession of a class B drug.

He also admitted having no insurance, no licence, failing to provide a specimen for analysis and failure to surrender.

Barclay, of Ellison Street, Hartlepool, was also banned from driving for 17 months after the court issued an interim ban at an earlier appearance in February.

He must also take and pass an extended driving test before he is able to get a new licence.

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