Hartlepool group issues chocolate challenge as part of Fairtrade Fortnight

Fairtrade supporters from Catcote Academy at a previous coffee morning event with Martin Green of Hartlepool Fairtrade Steering Group (centre) and Hartlepool Deputy Mayor Rob Cook with wife Brenda.Fairtrade supporters from Catcote Academy at a previous coffee morning event with Martin Green of Hartlepool Fairtrade Steering Group (centre) and Hartlepool Deputy Mayor Rob Cook with wife Brenda.
Fairtrade supporters from Catcote Academy at a previous coffee morning event with Martin Green of Hartlepool Fairtrade Steering Group (centre) and Hartlepool Deputy Mayor Rob Cook with wife Brenda.
Hartlepool will once again show its support for ethical food production during Fairtrade Fortnight.

Hartlepool is a recognised Fairtrade Town and there will be lots of opportunities for people to get involved.

The theme of this year’s campaign is on cocoa and chocolate production.

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People of the town are being invited to get creative for a ‘Chocolate Challenge’ competition and come up with something impressive made from chocolate or cocoa.

Chris Eddowes, of Hartlepool Fairtrade Steering Group, said: “Chocolate is a treat for us but the sad truth is that many of the cocoa farmers are trapped in poverty, one reason being the price they receive for their hard work is so low.

“Fairtrade is a step towards a living wage for the farmers, one of the basic human rights.”

Almost all cocoa farmers in West Africa live in poverty.

They need to earn at least £1.86 a day to achieve a living income, but a typical cocoa farmer in Cote d’Ivoire lives on around 74p a day.

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To help raise awareness and advertise what the public can do to help, Fairtrade supporters will transport a giant chocolate bar the size of a flat screen TV around the region on different forms of public transport.

It will set off by bus from The Vestry Cafe in Hartlepool Art Gallery on Saturday, March 2.

On Thursday, March 7, the town’s Fairtrade group will set up a stall in Middleton Grange shopping centre, giving out information and selling Fairtrade products and running a fun competition with a quiz.

The exhibition and judging of this Chocolate Challenge competition takes place the following day at the Baltic Suite at the National Museum of the Royal Navy in Hartlepool.

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Whereas previous years’ competitions were all baking based, this year the sky is the limit. Entries do not just have to be edible, it could be a piece of artwork or something else.

Entries will need to be taken along on Friday, March 8, between 9.30am and 10.30am for judging at around 11am by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Rob Cook.

The winner will hold the prestigious Wooden Banana Fairtrade Trophy for the next year.

Entry forms can be collected from The Vestry Café in Christchurch, Catcote Metro shop in Middleton Grange or from The Cornerstone in St George’s buildings, in Park Road.