Hartlepool MP calls for ban on wild animals in circuses

Hartlepool MP Mike Hill is backing an RSPCA campaign to ban the use of wild animals in circuses.Hartlepool MP Mike Hill is backing an RSPCA campaign to ban the use of wild animals in circuses.
Hartlepool MP Mike Hill is backing an RSPCA campaign to ban the use of wild animals in circuses.
Hartlepool's MP said today he is backing a ban on wild animals being used in circuses - as campaigners argue there is 'no excuse' for the practice in 2018.

Mike Hill is joining the RSPCA in Parliament to campaign for the implementation of a ban.

The RSPCA is now arguing that circuses are “wholly unsuitable” environments for wild animals, with the organisation saying that repeated studies showing that circus life is likely to have a significantly harmful impact on the welfare of many types of animals.

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An increasing number of countries have now introduced bans on the use of wild animals in circuses and the RSPCA says the UK is now lagging behind on the animal welfare issue.

The organisation has argued that a total ban is long overdue and is supported by the public following the publication of recent opinion polls.

Existing regulations around the issue are due to expire in January 2020.

Mr Hill said: “I’m proud to support the RSPCA in campaigning to bring an end to the use of wild animals in circuses.

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“We are a nation of animal lovers, so I find it shocking that this practice is still happening in the UK today.

“It is time for the Government to take action.”

Ros Clubb, who is senior scientific manager for captive wild animals, said: “Wild animals do not belong in the circus.

“We continue to push the Westminster Government to bring in its manifesto promise to ban the outdated practice of using wild animals in circuses in England as we believe these animals cannot be cared for adequately within the current level of regulations.

“Circuses touring with wild animals need to be finally consigned to the history books.

“In 2018, there’s simply no excuse for it.”