Middlesbrough bring an end to Bradley Fewster's Hartlepool loan

Bradley FewsterBradley Fewster
Bradley Fewster
Hartlepool United have been dealt a blow with the news that Bradley Fewster will not return to the club.

And manager Craig Hignett is not happy about the situation, having been told by parent club Middlesbrough that Fewster will not be fit until the end of his loan deal at Pools.

Hignett, who is Aitor Karanka’s former assistant Boro, said: “Brad is back at Middlesbrough, and they say he’s not ready for two months.

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“We felt it was sooner, but their opinion is two months so we have to abide by their decision.

“We have to get on with it and Brad would probably have had a run of games now Nathan (Thomas) is out. I’m sure it’s disappointing for Brad too.

“It makes you reassess things and how you look at loans.

“It makes me reassess who I loan players from because the system has changed too.”

Boro have informed Pools that Fewster injury will mean he will not return until January, when his temporary deal at the Northern Gas & Power Stadium is up.

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And Hignett has revealed it is highly unlikely the exciting forward will be seen again at the Vic.

“Boro said Fews is up to the window so I would doubt we will see him again,” said the manager.

“I don’t think we would be loaning him back again, but that’s a conversation we would have with Middlesbrough.

“It’s disappointing to lose him - he would have been an asset.”

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One player who has been absent in recent weeks has been Tom Heardman.

Hignett confirmed the Magpies loanee, will return, unlike Fewster.

“Tom played for Newcastle last week and wasn’t quite right,” the manager explained.

“He felt his hamstring and he’s had a hip injury and a hamstring injury and he’s never been quite right, so we’ve sent him back to Newcastle for treatment.

“And we will see how he goes.

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“We’ve been unlucky with the lads we have had, they’ve not quite been match-fit and not quite ready.

“Tom should be fit before his loan is up so I would imagine he would be back with us at some point.”