JILL MORTIMER MP: My survey is seeking to know what matters to you the most

Asking “what services you think should be returned to our hospital?”Asking “what services you think should be returned to our hospital?”
Asking “what services you think should be returned to our hospital?”
As recess continues, I have enjoyed the opportunity to get out and about talking to residents.

Recently I have been joined by numerous groups of Conservative Party activists and volunteers who have kindly helped to circulate my latest survey across the town.

The survey is concerned with my six-point plan for Hartlepool and asks for your feedback on what matters to you most – whether it be what services you think should be returned to our hospital or which industries you would like to see offering jobs and opportunities to workers - I want to know what you think. Please do fill in and return a survey if you do get one through your door.

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I have remained busy with meetings and visits across the constituency too, catching up with Lyndsay from Hogg Global Logistics as well as Sam Allen, the CEO of our Integrated Care Board (ICB) to ensure we are doing all we can to incentivise Hartlepool dental practices to take up the recent offer of extra funding for more NHS appointments (as part of the £3 million additional funding across our ICB area).

Earlier this month I had the opportunity to visit Hartlepool’s Women’s Refuge again – having visited not long after my election.

The dedication of those who run the refuge had a significant impact on me so I was pleased to return to listen to their views regarding how we can protect our most vulnerable women from domestic violence.

I visited the refuge alongside North Star Housing who I know do magnificent work within our community to help those who seek shelter and safety to get set up in their own homes.

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Finally, just because we are on recess does not mean that Parliament comes to a standstill.

I was delighted to add my name to a letter and join the call for British supermarkets to create "Buy British” sections on their websites.

In this move to back British Farmers, not only would we as a society be promoting and supporting our fabulous home grown and produced foods, but we would be helping to cut the UK’s carbon footprint through reducing the need for imported foods.

The letter has been published on my social media so please do take a look and help Back British.