MIKE HILL: Fully reinstating our hospital would be fine tribute to NHS

remember sacrifices and commemorate that with a commitment to invest in the future of Hartlepool Hospital.remember sacrifices and commemorate that with a commitment to invest in the future of Hartlepool Hospital.
remember sacrifices and commemorate that with a commitment to invest in the future of Hartlepool Hospital.
Everybody is feeling tetchy, I fully understand that.

The Government has messed us about so much with their mixed messaging over COVID 19 that we simply don’t know which way to turn. The Government are losing their grip on this crisis as issue after issue shows them to be under-prepared and out of touch. Take this week’s fiasco with the free school meal boxes. A private company failing families in need of support with boxes of food allegedly worth £30 whose contents barely reach £5 in many cases. They cannot be trusted to deliver on even the most basic needs without a scandal. They must try harder.

The truth is that while the people of Hartlepool are remaining remarkably stalwart and obeying the rules, their efforts are being reciprocated by rapid increases in the ‘R’ rate and predictably overstretched hospitals.

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The stark reality is that our hospitals are at their maximum capacity and the Nightingales, viewed in the first lockdown as our secret weapon, are clearly emerging as nothing more than vanity projects aimed at giving the illusion of a Government in control; in fact there has never been enough staff to man our hospitals let alone the Nightingales.

COVID is like a fog that just won’t go away or dissipate. It’s a hidden enemy that can and will strike at any time. It takes no prisoners and doesn’t differentiate between classes: it simply is a killer.

Our history shows that we have tough skins and despite the personal tragedies and struggles that we are all aware of due to COVID, our communities remain strong and united. We rightly on many occasions have challenged those in leadership, particularly those in charge of our hospital. But now, we must put our trust in them to save our people, to save lives, to utilise their essential resources in the best way possible and then to remember our sacrifices later and commemorate that with a commitment to invest in the future of Hartlepool Hospital; there could be no finer tribute to the NHS than a commitment to fully reinstate our hospital.

We must keep safe and follow the rules. Stay at home. Protect our NHS. Save Lives.