Which was the best shopping area in times gone by

The 1985 view of Middleton Grange.The 1985 view of Middleton Grange.
The 1985 view of Middleton Grange.
Nostalgic photographs certainly promote plenty of debate in Hartlepool.

One of the latest is which shop – and which shopping area – has been the best down the years in the town.

We posted an old photograph of the days when the Middleton Grange Shopping Centre had no roof on it.

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An old photo of Murray Street from Hart Lane.An old photo of Murray Street from Hart Lane.
An old photo of Murray Street from Hart Lane.

It led to a healthy conversation on whether Middleton Grange, Lynn Street or Murray Street had been the best place for a good bargain hunt.

Sheena Smurthwaite plumped for Middleton Grange and said: “Plenty of shops with the curly whirly ramp,” referring to the winding walkway in the middle of the centre.

Susan Molyneaux agreed and reminded us of some of the retailers who were there at the time our photograph was taken, in 1985.

“Marks n Spencer, Woolworths, Binns, lots of shoe shops,” she told us.

An old photo of Murray Street from Hart Lane.An old photo of Murray Street from Hart Lane.
An old photo of Murray Street from Hart Lane.

“Fine Far or Hintons or Iceland for food shop.”

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Maxine Mottram described them as the “good old days” and said she believed the clock which is pictured is now in Sunderland.”

Allison McLean remembered it and said: “Aye would always arrange to meet mates under the clock lol.”

David Villiers described the photograph as “Interesting” and said: “ I remember us all bemoaning the loss of Lyne Street shops in 1970.”

Richard Brightman said: “No roof good old days” but Paddy Horsley was not so sure and thought it made it a wind tunnel.

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Julie Coulson-McLellan, Jean Robinson, and Edwina Milne all said they recalled this scene.

Pauline Hamilton “loved to shop there” while Janice Ward said all three shopping areas were regular venues for her. “Was a shopping centre then even though I did love Lynn street and Musgrave st,” she added.

Lee A Walton was similarly reflective and said; “Times change. Good memories though” while Sarah Noble said: “Well this makes me feel old.”

Joyce Flounders had a similar memory and said: “Remember it well, making me feel old.”

Joan Sowerby had a tasty reminder of times gone by.

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When asked who loved this 1985 view of Marks and Spencer in Middleton Grantge, she said: “Me but loved Lynn Street, Musgrave Street, going in market for corn beef slice and chips. Those were the good old days.”

Around 15,000 people spotted the picture we posted on social media and it generated dozens of comments, 356 likes and 23 shares.

Thanks to those who followed the post, including Iain Doherty, Allison McLean, Jonathan Townshend, Amanda Patterson, Irene Vasey, Helen Geddes Silcock, Sarah Peckett and Gwen Brown.

Jan Lyth, Neil Flounders, Tracy Mosley, Helen Stalley, Karl Fraser, Morag Maclellan, Nigel Bew and Dawn Cheney also followed as did thousands of others.

We would love to hear from more people with memories of Hartlepool’s bygone shopping scenes. Email chris.cordner@jpress.co.uk

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