Hartlepool community gathers for Good Friday Walk of Witness

Readings at the War MemorialReadings at the War Memorial
Readings at the War Memorial
Parishioners from across Hartlepool carried out an annual Good Friday tradition by carrying crosses through the streets of the town.

The Annual Walk of Witness saw members of the town’s six Catholic churches gather in Hartlepool town centre for an open air service.

During the walk to War Memorial, parishioners handed out around 120 hot cross buns to members of the public.

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Readings at the War MemorialReadings at the War Memorial
Readings at the War Memorial

The service, which is organised by the Hartlepool Youth Ministry, was also attended by members from other churches in the area who joined in remembering the events of Good Friday.

Bernadette Malcolmson, of Hartlepool Youth Ministry, said: "The Walk of Witness was fantastic, we had wonderful weather for it considering it poured it down last year - that brought a lot of people out onto the streets.

"It was a nice public show of faith. It was nice to be out on the streets. We handed out hot cross buns on the way which was popular.

"It was really great and well supported, more than 100 people were at the war memorial.

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More than one hundred people gathered for the serviceMore than one hundred people gathered for the service
More than one hundred people gathered for the service

"Pupils from primary and secondary schools in the area were involved with the readings and they helped carry the crosses from their church.

"It was really great to see so many people out on the streets on such an important day."

Following the service, everyone was invited back to St Joseph’s Church, in St Paul’s Road, for refreshments and a hot cross bun.

Coordinator Ric Slatter added: "It's a really important way for us to celebrate the day and it's nice to do that outside of the four walls of church and share some of the hope we have as Christians."

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