Schools you may remember from Hartlepool's past in 1982.Schools you may remember from Hartlepool's past in 1982.
Schools you may remember from Hartlepool's past in 1982.

8 photos of Hartlepool schools which were knocked down 40 years ago - did you go to any of them?

Every one of these schools played a vital part in Hartlepool’s education system.

But all of them were demolished around 40 years ago and we are asking for your memories of your days in the classroom at places such as Hart Road, Church Close, and Henry Smiths.

We also have reminders of old school buildings which were demolished in the 80s, to be replaced by modern alternatives.

All the photos come to us courtesy of the Hartlepool Museum Service and Hartlepool Library Service and they get our thanks once more for a great selection of images.

Take a look.

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