So we decided to delve into the Mail archives and take a look at some of the many pictures of people at work we have taken over the years.
From factories and major employers to independent businesses, all have been featured in the Mail at some point.
1. Underpass closes
Remembering when workers started to fence off the underpass that ran under the A689. Picture by FRANK REID Photo: FRANK REID
2. Keeping Trincomalee shipshape
HMS Trincomalee celebrated 25 years in Hartlepool in 2012. Pictured, from left, was maintenance workers Bob Monsen and Davey Lilley with manager, David McKnight. Photo: TY
3. Olympic honour
Hartlepool McDonald's worker Rhianon Horton (left), was selected to work at the 2012 Olympics. Pictured with business manager Bev Williamson. Photo: TY
4. TRW workers Hakan Ayke (left) and Antony Dunbar with their Movember moustache. Picture by FRANK REID
TRW automotive workers featured in the Mail in 2012 showing off their 'Movember' moustaches. Photo: FRANK REID