These photos show just some of the numerous aspects of war when it came to Hartlepool.These photos show just some of the numerous aspects of war when it came to Hartlepool.
These photos show just some of the numerous aspects of war when it came to Hartlepool.

9 photos of Hartlepool in the Second World War as we mark the anniversary of VE Day

The whole of the nation celebrated on May 8, 1945 as VE Day arrived.

Today, 76 years on, we remember the Second World War and its effects on Hartlepool – from the men and women who lived through it to the damage which the town suffered.

Take a look at the aftermath of air raids and how the resilient people of Hartlepool still fought on. Take a look at the Home Guard and the firefighters who were always ready for action.

And take a look at the VE Day parties which came as such a relief when war in Europe was finally over.

All these photos come to us courtesy of the Hartlepool Museum Service and Hartlepool Library Service and we thank them for some dramatic reminders of our town.

And take a look at the VE Day parties which came as such a relief when war in Europe was finally over.