You had fun on the climbing wall and we loved capturing the moment for our archives. See if you can spot a climber you know.You had fun on the climbing wall and we loved capturing the moment for our archives. See if you can spot a climber you know.
You had fun on the climbing wall and we loved capturing the moment for our archives. See if you can spot a climber you know.

To boulder-ly go back in time ... 10 climbing scenes from Hartlepool and East Durham

On the scale of it, there’s some great reminders of the past in these rock climbing photos.

Whether you were climbing a boulder at Summerhill or tackling a climbing wall in West View, the Hartlepool Mail was there to capture the moment on camera.

Golden Flatts and Throston have been just as active in the past and we have got the photos to prove it.

So get ready to tackle a trip down memory lane.

So get ready to tackle a trip down memory lane.

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