FEELING GREAT: Why physio can be a better option than taking painkillers

"I disagree wholeheartedly with painkillers being prescribed without the root cause of the problem being addressed first.""I disagree wholeheartedly with painkillers being prescribed without the root cause of the problem being addressed first."
"I disagree wholeheartedly with painkillers being prescribed without the root cause of the problem being addressed first."
It’s nearly Christmas! And no-one wants to suffer and not feel great over the festive period. We all want to smile, laugh and enjoy ourselves.

But what about anyone suffering from pain? A stiff neck? A sore back? A creaky knee? I’m sure you know of someone – maybe even yourself – who has one of those aliments.

It’s dark outside, it’s cold and maybe it’s not all about Christmas cheer. But here at the Paul Gough Physio Rooms we have the answer for your problems.

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It’s a very busy time of the year as people want to be fixed and in good health.

And now, I’m about to show off one of the biggest reasons why so many people love coming to rely on a hands-on physio – and that’s quite simply because it’s the polar opposite to relying upon painkillers. Because I want you to understand how much value a physio can bring to your lifestyle, I want you to take a quick look at five reasons why physio can often be a better option that taking painkillers.

No nasty lasting side effects.

It wins the war - and not just the little battles. Physio gets to the very root of your pain to stop it, not mask it with little victories that don’t last or mean anything in the end.

You’re not reliant on physio for months or years.

Physio doesn’t lure you into telling yourself “I’m doing OK today” to be hit hard by pain when you didn’t expect it.

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The effects of physio don’t wear off after just four hours. Or less in some cases.

Now don’t get me wrong - taken at the right time, and for the right reasons, I encourage anyone to take painkillers, if the GP advises it. And I’m sure plenty will be taken to help ease a Christmas hangover!

But I disagree wholeheartedly with painkillers being prescribed without the root cause of the problem being addressed first. If that isn’t done, your problem will come back, and it will lead to a dependency on painkillers (instant gratification).

This is how people get hooked on them for years and end up with the side effects I mentioned above.

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Many people I help think of physio as an escape route from relying upon painkillers and prescriptions, and it’s true.

Physio lets you get active and healthy again on your terms, at a convenient time, without any fear of side effects.