We have been inundated with messages from you, the Mail readers, about the heroes in your homes who are working hard to keep the North East running during the coronavirus pandemic and UK lockdown measures. Here are 18 pictures of Hartlepool key workers who are making you proud as the crisis continues. To see our first collection of key worker photos, click here.

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You have been sending in pictures of key workers in Hartlepool. | User (UGC) Photo: UGC

. 'Marie'
Trina Robinson: Lovely, bubbly, inspiration to service. Never stops or gets a day off, she is always there to support everyone. | User (UGC) Photo: UGC

. Leonie Johnson
Stacey Wood: My little sister Leonie Johnson is working hard at Sherton looking after residents, stay safe. | User (UGC) Photo: UGC

. Bonita and Rachael Flounders
Claire WIlliamson: Bonita Flounders works for CIPD Thirteen and Rachael Flounders works at North Tees A&E both working very hard on the front line. | User (UGC) Photo: UGC

. Beth Nicholson
Charlotte Nicholson: My wonderful little sister Beth Nicholson who is a support worker at Charlotte Grange care home. She works so hard and always puts her all into her job. She's a star. | User (UGC) Photo: UGC

. Lewis Barron
Victoria Barron: My husband is a Store Manager at Aldi and is working very hard to ensure people have access to essential items on a daily basis. He is the forefront of his store and ensures his staff are put first when it comes to protection. | User (UGC) Photo: UGC

. Josh and Jessica Slater
Yvonne Slater: Josh Slater power station worker. Jessica Slater care worker. My son and daughter-in-law. Keeping the country and hospitals with electricity and caring for the elderly and vulnerable. | User (UGC) Photo: UGC

. Sharon Iddon
Alison Holdforth Quinn: My sister Sharon Iddon working at the community hub making sure people have prescription and essential items or help needed. My son Daniel and my daughter Katie are all still working and I’m immensely proud of them all. | User (UGC) Photo: UGC

1. 'Marie'
Trina Robinson: Lovely, bubbly, inspiration to service. Never stops or gets a day off, she is always there to support everyone. | User (UGC) Photo: UGC

2. Leonie Johnson
Stacey Wood: My little sister Leonie Johnson is working hard at Sherton looking after residents, stay safe. | User (UGC) Photo: UGC

3. Bonita and Rachael Flounders
Claire WIlliamson: Bonita Flounders works for CIPD Thirteen and Rachael Flounders works at North Tees A&E both working very hard on the front line. | User (UGC) Photo: UGC

4. Beth Nicholson
Charlotte Nicholson: My wonderful little sister Beth Nicholson who is a support worker at Charlotte Grange care home. She works so hard and always puts her all into her job. She's a star. | User (UGC) Photo: UGC