Teenagers celebrated the end of exams and a new chapter in their life by letting their hair down on Thursday night.
The youngsters gathered in their dressed and suits at Croft Gardens on the Headland for photos before getting down to the serious partying at Hardwick Hall in Sedgefield.
The Mail will be bringing you more great photos from all our schools proms in the coming weeks, so keep an eye on hartlepoolmail.co.uk and the paper in shops every Thursday.
All pictures by Frank Reid.

1. MixCollage-27-Jun-2024-09-53-PM-1333.jpg
St Hild's School students in their prom outfits. Photo: Mail

2. Close pals
Friends pose for our cameraman before heading to the prom. Photo: Frank Reid

4. Here come the boys
All the students from St Hild's School looked great for their prom. Photo: Frank Reid