The following defendants from Hartlepool have been dealt with by magistrates

The following cases were dealth with at Teesside Magistrates' Court:

Paul Dawes, 43, of Wynyard Mews, Hartlepool, was sentenced to a community order of 12 months, including a drug rehabilitation requirement, 30 rehabilitation activity days, and ordered to pay £141.39 in fines and compensation for theft and possession of amphetamine.

Tracey Middleton, 45, of Penrith Street, Hartlepool, was ordered to pay £175 in fines costs, and compensation for theft, and ordered to forfeit two foil lined bags and three pliers.

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Terry Tyers, 36, of Grange Road, Hartlepool, was ordered to pay £368 compensation for theft.

Mark Lockwood, 37, of Longfellow Walk, Hartlepool, was disqualified from driving for 12 months and ordered to pay £235 in fines and costs for driving with drugs over the legal limit.

John Carroll, 30, Frederic Street, Hartlepool, was entenced to a community order of 18 months, a curfew of four months, 30 days of rehabilitation activity, and ordered to pay £385 in fines, costs, and compensation for two offences of intentionally exposing his genitals.

Rachel Alexander, 22, of Blakelock Gardens, Hartlepool, was ordered to pay fines and costs of £369 and given six driving licence penalty points for driving without insurance.

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William Harrison, 19, of Lealholm Road, Hartlepool, was disqualified from driving for 18 months and ordered to pay fines and costs of £235 for driving with drugs over the legal limit, and driving without insurance.

Eric Thayne, 47, of Throston Grange Lane, Hartlepool, was sentenced to a conditional discharge for 12 months and ordered to pay £47.20 compensation for theft.

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