The pleasure of singing

When I hear the voices of singers,

Singing songs I’d love to sing;

In a way that I’d love to sing them,

If only I had a voice that could sing.

I would sing at the dawn of each day,

Of my love for each precious minute

That I’d spend just singing for pleasure,

And the pleasure of those listening to it.

Music is a wonderful communicator,

When arranged for voices that sing.

Combined with words we love to hear,

The pleasure it gives is a wondrous thing.

When combining many different voices,

Into a blend that’s refined and mature,

Where each adds to and enhances the other,

Into an ecstatic sound capturing rapture.

It’s then that we have the mixed choir,

That demands each voice give its best.

Not only in tone, timbre and volume,

But in body, emotion, passion and zest.

So thank you all the town’s choirs,

Each of you is very good in your way.

Would it be possible for all to combine

And make it a Hartlepool’s choir charity day?

Albert Armstrong,

Percy Street,


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