Hartlepool United have a healthy average gate of 3,736 this season.Hartlepool United have a healthy average gate of 3,736 this season.
Hartlepool United have a healthy average gate of 3,736 this season.

The average crowds of every National League club and how Hartlepool United's average gate compare to Solihull Moors, Oldham Athletic, Southend United, FC Halifax Town, Woking, Barnet and Rochdale

Hartlepool United are still enjoying good gates as they look to secure a National League play-off place.

Around the league, 685,991 fans have watched games at an average of 2,569.

But just how well backed are Pools and how do their crowds compare to their promotion rivals and the rest of the league?

Here’s the average attendance of every club, with average attendance going from lowest to highest.

Figures are provided by the transfermarkt.co.uk website and are correct as of December 20.

Here’s the average attendance of every club, with average attendance going from lowest to highest.