Letter of the week: Why Brexit debate needs a People's Vote

Flashback to the Hartlepool Mail in 2016 and our coverage of the town's Brexit vote.Flashback to the Hartlepool Mail in 2016 and our coverage of the town's Brexit vote.
Flashback to the Hartlepool Mail in 2016 and our coverage of the town's Brexit vote.
Why are so many Brexit supporters now frightened of The People's Vote campaign?

The government allowed the people to express their choice on whether they wanted to remain or leave the EU and there was a relatively small majority for the principle of leaving.

That wish has been respected: there have been more than two years of negotiations and we now have a clearer picture of what leaving the EU means for the NHS, economic future and employment prospects for our children and grandchildren.

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We know it will be the poorest, weakest and most vulnerable in society that will pay the greatest price.

In 2016 we expressed our wish based on what we felt and were told by both campaigns.

Leading Brexiteers are most unwilling to allow Britain to make an informed choice to do so from knowledge not opinion.

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Having gone to the people on the principle of leaving the EU, this government and our Parliament, must return to the people on the reality of the so-called plan to leave and its effects.

What began with the people must end with the people.

The People’s Vote is the only democratic option on the table and our MPs should ensure it happens.

Ian G L Jones,Middlesbrough & East Cleveland Lib Dems (Chair),Oxford Road,Middlesbrough.