Hartlepool United fans join in stand against racism before match against Chesterfield

Fans were proud to hold their cards.Fans were proud to hold their cards.
Fans were proud to hold their cards.
Pools fans joined in holding ‘Love Pools Hate Racism’ cards ahead of their match against Chesterfield.

The club issued the cards to supporters ahead of the clash with Chesterfield and fans were spotted on Tuesday, September 24 holding the anti-discrimination signs high before and during the match.

This follows alleged racist abuse from fans in the Victoria Park Town End aimed at the Dover Athletic players following their opening goal scored by Inih Effiong at Saturday’s home game.

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Following the previous game, Hartlepool United chief executive Mark Maguire said in a club statement: “Whatever the rights and wrongs of the decision, or the aftermath to the penalty which was scored, Hartlepool United utterly condemn racist behaviour of any description.”

The fans looked to put those events behind them at the Tuesday match by joining together with their cards after TV presenter Jeff Stelling also called on Hartlepool United fans to “stand together against racism.”

A Cleveland Police statement said: “We would reiterate that racist behaviour and other disorder at football matches is completely unacceptable and we work with football clubs across the UK, as well as the wider community, on this issue.

“The force will use all available tools including football banning orders to deal robustly with the small minority who persist in taking part in deal with the minority who take part in this behaviour.”

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